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Rev William A Stewart and Mrs R Stewart | profile | all galleries >> Flora & Fauna >> Sydney Zoo - Bungarribee NSW tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Sydney Zoo - Bungarribee NSW

................. Sydney Zoo - 700 Great Western Hwy, Bungarribee NSW 2767: SEE: ..........................
African Lion (Species - Panthera Leo)
:: African Lion (Species - Panthera Leo) ::
Capybara (Species - Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)
:: Capybara (Species - Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) ::
Cheetah (Species - Acinonyx Jabutus)
:: Cheetah (Species - Acinonyx Jabutus) ::
Chimpanzee (Species - Pan troglodytes)
:: Chimpanzee (Species - Pan troglodytes) ::
Elephant (Species - Elephas Maximus)
:: Elephant (Species - Elephas Maximus) ::
Emu  (Species - Dromaius novaehollandiae)
:: Emu (Species - Dromaius novaehollandiae) ::
Giraffe  (Species - Giraffa Cameleopadalis)
:: Giraffe (Species - Giraffa Cameleopadalis) ::
Koala (Species- Phascolarctos Cinereus)
:: Koala (Species- Phascolarctos Cinereus) ::
Lace Monitor (Species - Varanus varius)
:: Lace Monitor (Species - Varanus varius) ::
Meerkat (Species - Suricata suricatta)
:: Meerkat (Species - Suricata suricatta) ::
Orangutan (Species - Pongo)
:: Orangutan (Species - Pongo) ::
Plains Zebra (Species - Equus Quagga)
:: Plains Zebra (Species - Equus Quagga) ::
Red Panda (Species -  Ailusrus Fulgens)
:: Red Panda (Species - Ailusrus Fulgens) ::
Small Clawed Otter (Species - Aonyx  Cinereus)
:: Small Clawed Otter (Species - Aonyx Cinereus) ::
Spider Monkey (Species - Ateles Geoffroy)
:: Spider Monkey (Species - Ateles Geoffroy) ::
Sumatran Tiger (Species - Panthera Tigris Sumatrae)
:: Sumatran Tiger (Species - Panthera Tigris Sumatrae) ::
Tasmanian Devil (Species - Sarcophilus  Harrisi)
:: Tasmanian Devil (Species - Sarcophilus Harrisi) ::
Tufted Capuchin (Species - Cebus Apella)
:: Tufted Capuchin (Species - Cebus Apella) ::