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T. David | profile | all galleries >> A Weekend at Mala Mala (6 sub-galleries) >> A Gallery of the Last (Morning) Safari - Day 3 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

A Gallery of the Last (Morning) Safari - Day 3

After another good sleep and a very early rising, we prepared for our final outing. This afternoon we would fly back to Pretoria and civilization. The weather was not kind on this, our last day. Exiting for a bit of breakfast, the Land Rover and the starting point, we were greated by heavy mist that was jumping back and forth across the like to light drizzle. The spirits were not daunted, but I resigned myself to a less than perfect picture day. The excitement and thrill of being there never waned, particularly since we were going to explore a section of the reserve that had been off-limits to the daily Land Rover safaris for some time; we were going where no tourist had been for quite some time. I did get some intersting shots inspite of the weather. Here they are...
The Drizzle That Was Dampening Our Day...
The Drizzle That Was Dampening Our Day...
...Seemed To Have No Effect...
...Seemed To Have No Effect...
...On the Giraffe's Apetites.
...On the Giraffe's Apetites.
A Few Deer-Like Animals Coulkd Also Be Seen..
A Few Deer-Like Animals Coulkd Also Be Seen..
While Some Young Impalas Scampered About.
While Some Young Impalas Scampered About.
Just a Lazy Day In the Rain
Just a Lazy Day In the Rain
One of the Largest Rhinos in the reserve...
One of the Largest Rhinos in the reserve...
...Sported One of the Largest Matted-Hair Horns
...Sported One of the Largest Matted-Hair Horns
A Majestic Elephant Would Not Let His Sunday Be Disturbed
A Majestic Elephant Would Not Let His Sunday Be Disturbed
He Just Ignored Our Land Rover...
He Just Ignored Our Land Rover...
...And Went About His Business...
...And Went About His Business...
...Just Eating...
...Just Eating...
...And relaxing.
...And relaxing.
He Finally Indicated This Was the End.
He Finally Indicated This Was the End.
One of the Most Beautiful Birds I Saw In the Reserve
One of the Most Beautiful Birds I Saw In the Reserve
Irredescent Colors With a Spectacular Ruby Throat
Irredescent Colors With a Spectacular Ruby Throat
Impala and Zebras Romping in the Veld...
Impala and Zebras Romping in the Veld...
...As the Main Herd Looks On.
...As the Main Herd Looks On.
Back at the Compound, ...
Back at the Compound, ...
...Two Sibling Elephants...
...Two Sibling Elephants...
...Play On the Lawn,...
...Play On the Lawn,...
...And Come to Wish a...
...And Come to Wish a...
Farewell As We pack to Leave
Farewell As We pack to Leave