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Elwood Spedden | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Images from around Fort Collins tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Images from around Fort Collins

The lenses tested here are the Carl Zeiss 85 1.2 50 jahre anniversary, and the Leica vario elmar 21-35 f4. The pictures represent just normal shots but all shot wide open to show the performance of each under the most trying circumstances. Graveyard 7 and Fort Collins sunset were shot with strong direct sun to check propensity for flare. Because of a temporary problem with the mirror of the 1Ds MkII and the Leica 21-35 there are only two images here using that combination. The problem has now been fixed and I will post more images using that lens in the next day or two.
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Fort Collins Library.jpg
Fort Collins Library.jpg
Fort Collins Sunset.jpg
Fort Collins Sunset.jpg
Graveyard 1 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 1 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 2 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 2 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 3 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 3 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 4 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 4 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 5 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 5 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 6 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 6 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 7 21-35.jpg
Graveyard 7 21-35.jpg
Leica 21 mm test.jpg
Leica 21 mm test.jpg
Head of the Horse 85 1.jpg
Head of the Horse 85 1.jpg
Barn in the middle of redevelopment 85 1.jpg
Barn in the middle of redevelopment 85 1.jpg
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