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woody34 | all galleries >> Galleries >> australian_churches > St. Johns Cowra 3
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St. Johns Cowra 3

FujiFilm FinePix S8000fd
1/80s f/3.2 at 7.1mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Helen Betts24-Dec-2011 09:54
I especially like the symmetry here. Lovely composition as well!
Milan Vogrin13-Dec-2011 08:21
Very nice shot!!V
bill friedlander09-Dec-2011 01:06
A beautiful design with lovely patterns and colors. This is an excellent shot with perfect symmetry. V
Dan Greenberg08-Dec-2011 06:23
This enhanced color really looks attractive! Great framing as well. ~V~
Guest 18-Sep-2011 13:41
Very beautiful work. V.
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