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woody34 | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> country_life tree view | thumbnails | slideshow
Glimpses of life, animals and a way of living in rural Australia.
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The old pavilion at Bathurst showground..
The old pavilion at Bathurst showground..
Bathurst court House.
Bathurst court House.
The Bathurst Heritage Hospital.
The Bathurst Heritage Hospital.
The Central park in Bathurst..N.S.W
The Central park in Bathurst..N.S.W
The Dish
The Dish
Fly me to the moon...2
Fly me to the moon...2
Fly me to the moon...1
Fly me to the moon...1
The Aliens are coming.
The Aliens are coming.
From my front veranda.
From my front veranda.
Just outside the circus grounds...
Just outside the circus grounds...
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