BillyBob is...
A Bob Ibex Mountain Bike trailer.
Cost: About 4 tanks of gas.
This is BillyBob on a shake-down run at Palmer Park in Colorado Springs.
I quickly found that Unloaded BillyBobs Bounce Badly.
And so... "Box-O-Rox" was born.
Yes, weight training is easy with BillyBob and "Box-O-Rox" (tm, patent pending)
I spent several hours running the BillyBob SUV through its paces on Palmer Park's green and blue trails.
Box-O-Rox was eventually loaded with about 50 lbs of rock; but BillyBob still easily handled the blue (intermediate) trails. In fact, the heavier Box-O-Rox got, the more stable BillyBob became.
Coming up... BillyBob Goes Fishin'!
Licensed, to kill Troutskees (Grin)
[ Trout Route Recon ]
The BillyBob's first fishing trip will be to Rampart Reservoir, which, if I've plotted the route correctly on the topo map, is a little over 30 miles from my front door.
I'd never ridden up Rampart Range Road before, so...