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William Burke | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> What About BillyBob? tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

What About BillyBob?

While growing up here in Colorado, one of the things I always loved to do was fish. After 20+ years in Californistan, I was finally able to move my family back home to Colorado last year; but now, with current gas prices, filling up the 2 tanks on my '85 Ranger 4x4 costs over $100; and I simply can't justify contributing over $100 to OPEC and the supporters of Islamic Terrorism every time I go fishing.
So a moral and financial dilemma was created....
What to do, what to do?  Huh
Hmmm, It's obviously time to adapt....
Hey! What about Bob?
And so, for the cost of less than 4 tanks of gas,  one favorite activity (Mountain Biking) will now support and be combined with the other (Fishing);  and OPEC can just go [CENSORED].

Bill's "Bob Ibex SUV" The BillyBob(tm) - is now in service.
So stay tuned for....