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06-NOV-2009 William Burke

Total Recall or just Dejavu?

Colorado Springs City Hall


"These guys have managed to make EVERYBODY mad"

At high noon on a Friday, the truth of that sentiment was visible in the face of Patrick Ayers as he announced plans to file for the recall of Colorado Springs Mayor Lionel Rivera and Vice Mayor Larry Small. Ayers is known as an advocate and activist in support of the homeless.

3rd time's the charm?

In a television interview Mayor Lionel Rivera blew off Ayer's effort, indicating Ayers had threatened twice before... but never followed through to file the paperwork.

3rd time IS the charm.

Update: 13 November:
Filing gets City Hall recall under way

Additional coverage and comentary via the Colorado Springs Gazette:

1/8000s f/2.8 at 70.0mm iso200 full exif

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