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Northern Lights of Churchill Canada

Fire in the Sky
Like many people I have always been intrigued by the photos and videos of the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights but in spite of our many trips into the high Arctic and even Antarctica they have eluded us. So in mid February 2020 we headed to Churchill, into the blowing snow and windchill of -49’F to join a photography workshop organized by Natural Habitat Adventures ( ). The Aurora Borealis circle the globe in an irregularly shaped elliptical "oval" band which passes right over Churchill making it a sweet spot for Aurora activity with over 300 days of Aurora each year.

So guess what we saw? We saw the Skies on Fire in unearthly and surreal colors, We saw Dancing Lights gyrating from horizon to horizon, We saw slow moving dull green bands take shape and quickly twist, turn and vibrate across the sky moving from the horizon to straight over our heads, We saw the sky go crazy with painted movements and then like a light switch it would be gone only to pop up again in another direction.

Seeing the Northern lights was “Bucket List” item for me and with 3 of 4 nights of cold clear skies with intense Aurora activity I feel like we hit it out of the park.

Link to our Arctic Wanderings Part I Blog:

Link our Arctic Wanderings Part II Blog:

For purchase or usage rights contact: Bill Klipp,
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