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Kenya Safari | Tanzania Safari | The Great Migration | Gorillas in the Mist -- Rwanda | Lodges of East Africa

The Great Migration

One of the greatest wildlife spectacles on the planet is the “Great Migration” where 1.5+ million Wildebeests, 200,000 Zebras and various other creatures migrate in a clockwise fashion over 1,800 miles each year from Tanzania’s Serengeti to the Masai Mara in Kenya in search of rain ripened grasses. We have been fortunate to have seen the Great Migration a number of times from several unique vantage points.

Our most recent visit put us in the Southern Serengeti during the “Green Season” or Calving season where the migration of 1-2 million Wildebeests begins and where 500,000 Wildebeest babies are born, averaging 8,000 births a day in February. Nature’s idea is to have lots of calves born at the same time to overwhelm the many predators like Lions, Leopards, Hyenas and Cheetahs who take advantage of the easy and plentiful prey. A true “Predator’s Banquet”. We were able to see a number of births and it’s amazing that within 6-10 minutes of a baby Wildebeest being born it’s up on it feet walking and running around which is key to avoid being eaten.

During another visit our main focus (pun intended) was to witness the migration crossing the treacherous Mara River from the Serengeti to Kenya’s Masai Mara. We stayed at Alex Walker's seasonal tent camp which put us very close to some of the best crossing spots. The strategy was to hang back in the shade of the tree line about a 1/4 mile from the river, hiding from the hot sun but mostly to avoid spooking the growing herd of Wildebeests and Zebras headed down to the river. Are they going down for a quick drink, a look, or might they be preparing to cross the muddy Crocodile and Hippo filled Mara River? Our goal is to witness and photograph the Great Wildebeest Migration during one of its epic crossing moments a scene that has eluded us on our 4 previous visits to Africa and on this trip we had a bonanza seeing several crossings every day.
The Great Migration from whatever angle you see it is an amazing experience.

Wildebeest Migration, Mara River Crossing:

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Safari Vehicles, Serengeti  1
Safari Vehicles, Serengeti 1
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  14
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 14
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  18
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 18
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  50
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 50
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  23
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 23
Nile Crocodile, Mara River, Serengeti  3
Nile Crocodile, Mara River, Serengeti 3
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  3
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 3
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  4
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 4
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  1
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 1
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  6
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 6
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  13
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 13
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  15
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 15
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  33
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 33
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  5
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 5
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti  7
Wildebeest Migration, Mara River, Serengeti 7
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