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Bill Klipp | profile | all galleries >> Cuba Photo Gallery >> Cuban Wildlife -- A Sense of Nature tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

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Cuban Wildlife -- A Sense of Nature

Welcome to my Cuba nature and wildlife photo gallery. The Caribbean island nation of Cuba has some of the most diverse ecosystems in the region.

"Cuba Beyond the Bars" a new Cuban photo book by Bill Klipp, Linda Klipp & "Dink" Bruce:

Check out our new "Classic Cuba" photo slide show:

To purchase or usage rights contact: Bill Klipp,
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Blue Headed Anole,  Varadero  5
Blue Headed Anole, Varadero 5
Diving Brown Pelican, Varadero  1
Diving Brown Pelican, Varadero 1
Male Valley Carpenter Bee, (Xylocopa varipuncta) 1
Male Valley Carpenter Bee, (Xylocopa varipuncta) 1
Brown Pelicans, Varadero  3
Brown Pelicans, Varadero 3
Varadero Sea Scapes  1
Varadero Sea Scapes 1
Torch Ginger Flower, Cuba 5
Torch Ginger Flower, Cuba 5
Blue Headed Anole,  Varadero  2
Blue Headed Anole, Varadero 2
Palm Shadows, Varadero  1
Palm Shadows, Varadero 1
Cuban Brown Anole, Varadero  1
Cuban Brown Anole, Varadero 1
Red Legged Thrush - Zorzal Rea Orquideario Soroa Botanical Gardens
Red Legged Thrush - Zorzal Rea Orquideario Soroa Botanical Gardens
Curly Tailed Lizard, Varadero  5
Curly Tailed Lizard, Varadero 5
Flowers, Cuba 2
Flowers, Cuba 2
Cuban Trogon -Tocororo, Orquideario Soroa Botanical Gardens
Cuban Trogon -Tocororo, Orquideario Soroa Botanical Gardens
Dragon Fly, Cuba
Dragon Fly, Cuba
Blue Headed Anole,  Varadero  3
Blue Headed Anole, Varadero 3
Blue Headed Anole,  Varadero  1
Blue Headed Anole, Varadero 1
Tree Frog, Santiago Cuba 1
Tree Frog, Santiago Cuba 1
Butterfly, Baracoa  Cuba  1
Butterfly, Baracoa Cuba 1
Pregnant Palms
Pregnant Palms
Double Palm Tree, Baracoa Cuba  1
Double Palm Tree, Baracoa Cuba 1
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