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William Shaheen | profile | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> The Golden Night - 09-Nov-2017 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

The Golden Night - 09-Nov-2017

The Golden Night - 09-Nov-2017

A variety of images and examples taken 09-Nov-2017 while in the process of testing the newly acquired Optolong L-Pro light poluttion filter, captured a number of interesting objects and examples during autoguiding.

First up - Struve 142. Followed by Abell 347 autoguiding screenshots and actual image.
Lastly - M45 - The Pleiades.

20171109_Guiding for LPR_Filter_Test.1.jpg
20171109_Guiding for LPR_Filter_Test.1.jpg
20171109_Guide output disabled.1.jpg
20171109_Guide output disabled.1.jpg
20171109_Guiding for M74 - Struve 142.1.jpg
20171109_Guiding for M74 - Struve 142.1.jpg
Struve 142.jpg
Struve 142.jpg
002029-Struve 142.jpg
002029-Struve 142.jpg
20171109_Guiding for Abell 347.3.jpg
20171109_Guiding for Abell 347.3.jpg
20171109_Guiding for Abell 347.4.jpg
20171109_Guiding for Abell 347.4.jpg
Abell 347 - Galaxy Group in Andromeda 09-Nov-2017
Abell 347 - Galaxy Group in Andromeda 09-Nov-2017
M45 - The Pleiades in Taurus 09-Nov-2017
M45 - The Pleiades in Taurus 09-Nov-2017