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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Comet Collection > Comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) 06-Dec-2013
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Comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) 06-Dec-2013

A single, 60-sec. frame with the Celestron EdgeHD 1400 with an SBIG STF8300 and 0.7x reducer.

.gif;20131206_C_2013 R1_Lovejoy;bin-2x2;Celestron EdgeHD 1400;Comet;Comet C/2013 R1 (LOVEJOY);Demo;Exp=030sec;f/7.7;FL=2737;GIF Animator;n=46;Paramount MX;PBase;Reducer=Celestron .7x Reducer Lens;SBIG STF-8300M;Show;Slideshow Astro;t=-20c;TheSkyX_Camera_Add-On;Uploaded;

20131206_C_2013 R1_Lovejoy_60.000secs_2x2_00000004.tif

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