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William Shaheen | all galleries >> Astronomy - Astronomical objects, images and astronomy related projects >> Comet Collection > Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) 09-Oct-2013 Mag 14.0
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Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) 09-Oct-2013 Mag 14.0

ISON sails for the Sun.
Magnitude 14.0 (was 14.4 on Oct 1st); speed ~1.5 arc-seconds per minute.

14 individual exposures at 60 seconds each with a 5 minute interval, starting at 4:11am MST (11:11am UT) ending at 5:30am MST on 09-Oct-2013.

Image scale: 0.82 arc-seconds per pixel.

Click on Original size to activate the movie.


other sizes: small medium large original auto