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Charlie A. Sindiong | all galleries >> Birds of the Phlippines >> Cisticolas > Golden-headed Cisticola
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Golden-headed Cisticola

I had a difficult time finding this bird the first time for I thought that its size was proportionate to its call.
The truth is, behind the powerful and explosive call I heard was this tiny Cisticola.
A body length practically just a little over the size of a AA battery, but extremely active in the field with inexhaustible energy.
Lessons under the sun.

Sony Alpha α6400
1/1250s f/6.3 at 600.0mm iso4000 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Dwight Rankine04-Jul-2021 11:58
Beautiful shot! BV
joseantonio30-Jun-2021 03:31
fscinating capture.