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Winston Mitchell | profile | guestbook | all galleries | recent
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Troy Hush 09-Nov-2007 17:49
How are you Mr. Mitchell, It was your galleria that showed me the true power and perform of TC. I am really interested in any INFO you may have and can Offer me in Animation Lab 4. I had it for a year now but have done little with it cause of lack of training material for it. I am Very Interested in how you created the V8 engine and how you constrained the components to keep them in time with each other. Please Help
Guest 19-Jun-2007 17:49
You got some mad skills.
Guest 08-Mar-2007 09:40
This is as close to perfect as it can get.
Polydoros Katharakis 04-Jul-2006 23:57
Nice photos Mr Winston.
I recently bought the 7D and i hope i will have nice results like yours!
I have a gallery at
Greetings from Greece!
Polydoros Katharakis
Guest 15-May-2006 11:11
Hi Winston,
Great soothing gallery.I loved the colourful wedding.
Wonderful work.
winston mitchell 25-Feb-2005 11:33
its nice to see i have found a name sake on the web with a talent nice work
Guest 21-Jan-2005 21:06
Great renderings. I am not familiar with TurboCAD. I have used AutoCaD and Microstation in the past. I will have to check into this program some more if it can generate renderings like that.
Alfred 14-Jan-2005 18:28
Hi Winston,
I just found your gallery and I'm quite impressed, you've got some great images on here!
Well, just wanted you to know that I've been looking around.
Have a good day! (and I mean it!)