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Linda Alley | all galleries >> Butterflies/Moths >> Moths > black witch and others on banana bait
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black witch and others on banana bait

Ascalapha odorata

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 03-Aug-2012 16:09
Just spotted one (Male I think) on my porch.I have no idea how he got inside the screen.
North county line of Palm Beach Fl.
He's about 6" tip to wingtip.
Guest 21-Aug-2006 21:39
Linda, can i send u a photo, or can u access my gallery to see a moth that is on my porch and tell me if it is a blackwitch? I am in the Dallas area. thanks! Message boards are alien to me, I was just searching the web for a 'moth match' and found you.
Linda Alley01-Aug-2006 12:26
These moths were feeding on very ripe bananas as bait.
Guest 01-Aug-2006 05:06
hey, too cool! I just had one of these on my porch - very dramatic. How do you make the bait? I'd love to see more.