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Patricia Lay-Dorsey | profile | all galleries >> travel >> A weekend in Brooklyn 2008 >> Patricia's photos of DAH's loft workshop slideshow/fiesta tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Patricia's photos of DAH's loft workshop slideshow/fiesta

To view as a slideshow, click on "slideshow" in top right corner of your screen.
Preston Merchant shows me where Slideshow will be held.
Preston Merchant shows me where Slideshow will be held.
prints line entrance to room where slides will be shown
prints line entrance to room where slides will be shown
woman walks beside a print
woman walks beside a print
Bob Black & Marina
Bob Black & Marina
Kyunghee Lee, workshop participant from South Korea
Kyunghee Lee, workshop participant from South Korea
just before David Alan Harvey introduces the Slideshow
just before David Alan Harvey introduces the Slideshow
Paul Fusco shows his Chernobyl Legacy slides
Paul Fusco shows his Chernobyl Legacy slides
Alessandra Sanguinetti shows slides & videos of her young cousins Guille and Belinda
Alessandra Sanguinetti shows slides & videos of her young cousins Guille and Belinda
Bob Black
Bob Black
Bob Black introduces me to Vu photographer Kosuke Okahara
Bob Black introduces me to Vu photographer Kosuke Okahara
Bob Black's portrait of Patricia (!)
Bob Black's portrait of Patricia (!)
I scoot into David's loft for the party
I scoot into David's loft for the party
notice the pile of photo books on his coffee table
notice the pile of photo books on his coffee table
my dear brother Panos
my dear brother Panos
Andrew Sullivan looks over Ruckus' shoulder
Andrew Sullivan looks over Ruckus' shoulder
Preston Merchant
Preston Merchant
Panos signals to someone
Panos signals to someone
Diego helps keep the beers coming
Diego helps keep the beers coming
on the left is Dave Keenan, a workshop participant
on the left is Dave Keenan, a workshop participant
g5/37/726937/3/104180236.FOUOh63s.jpg g1/37/726937/3/104180242.fK5D0WkQ.jpg g5/37/726937/3/104180250.mAxs4X0F.jpg
g1/37/726937/3/104180263.gzYaEFhI.jpg g5/37/726937/3/104180270.XPCeljpe.jpg Gina Martin in the center of a circle
Gina Martin in the center of a circle
Kyunghee Lee's smile lights the room
Kyunghee Lee's smile lights the room
g1/37/726937/3/104180299.9pAMc8X7.jpg Ruckus of Hip Hop fame
Ruckus of Hip Hop fame
Ruckus' girlfriend who wants to be a model
Ruckus' girlfriend who wants to be a model
g1/37/726937/3/104180341.35scEXqk.jpg my friend Pat Kolon enjoys her beer
my friend Pat Kolon enjoys her beer
Andrea Gjestvang with French photographer/filmmaker Eric Valli
Andrea Gjestvang with French photographer/filmmaker Eric Valli