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Patricia Lay-Dorsey | all galleries >> festivals & fairs >> Michigan Womyn's Music Festival 2007 > Lady T solos
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Lady T solos

Canon EOS 350D
1/125s f/4.5 at 50.0mm iso100 full exif

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Lady T (Tianda) 12-Jul-2008 17:34

I wanted to ask your permission to use this photo as a promo for aan upcoming gig I have at People Called Women, the only feminist bookstore in Ohio. I am opening for a singer/musician,, and I will sing a little and read some of my poetry. I want to display this picture since my usual photographer cannot do a new picture of me for promotional purposes at this time. Of course, you will receive full credit. I will isolate the image to prevent any of the other womyn from being identified. Let me know, please. The date I need it for is July 31, 2008. Thanks, Lady T
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