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Patricia Lay-Dorsey | all galleries >> festivals & fairs >> Michigan Womyn's Music Festival 2007 > Mommy's pregnant!
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Mommy's pregnant!

Lucia seemed delighted with her mother's pregnancy, as were the two mommies, Nikki and Christian.

I've just returned from the Michigan Womyn's Music Festival with hundreds of photos but, more importantly, with countless memories of heart connections, humor, beauty, playfulness and unconditional love. I'll be putting up galleries of photos in the coming days, but wanted to start with this moment that touched me deeply.

Canon EOS 350D
1/200s f/4.0 at 50.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Guest 27-Aug-2007 18:49
Excellent capture
Guest 23-Aug-2007 03:39
Thank you Patricia.
Patricia Lay-Dorsey15-Aug-2007 04:32
This is yet another image that I have Phil Douglis to thank for inspiring me to abstract further. I'd already abstracted it pretty well in the taking, but when I saw his abstracted photo of the Grand Canyon at, I knew I could get this photo down to its essence by cropping the little girl even more. All I wanted/needed was the mother's belly and the little girl's eyes, smile and hand. So that's where I went. Thanks, Phil.
Phil Douglis14-Aug-2007 16:21
What makes this image work so well is the degree of abstraction -- leaving us with a sharply focused pregnant belly and a softly focused little girl who seems to be ecstatic. The rest is left to the imagination of the viewer, who can take it wherever he or she wishes. This is what expressive photography is all about, Patricia.
Terri Steele14-Aug-2007 12:57
Wonderful image Patricia! ;)
Vince14-Aug-2007 11:29
A great capture Patricia. Vote.
Guest 14-Aug-2007 10:16
Awww! Love it. V
Guest 14-Aug-2007 07:19
beautiful moment, glad you're back.
Debbie Blackburn Beierle14-Aug-2007 07:00
Wonderful candid!! vote
Guenter Eh14-Aug-2007 06:51
What an emotional moment Patricia! All the fascination of life is here.
Dan Ng14-Aug-2007 05:36
A priceless moment, Patricia! V.
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