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Patricia Lay-Dorsey | profile | all galleries >> festivals & fairs >> Detroit Festival of the Arts 2007 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Detroit Festival of the Arts 2007

Of all the summer festivals in my fair city, the Detroit Festival of the Arts is the most ambitious...and the most entertaining for all ages, ethnicities, tastes, and economic backgrounds. First of all, it's totally free. Secondly, it covers eight closed-off city blocks in Detroit's Cultural Center, the entire campus of Wayne State University for the Creative Children's Fair, and special activities in all the museums. In addition to artists' booths filled with all kinds of treasures, local, national and international stage and street performers offer music, dance, theatre, poetry, humor and indescribable, often outrageous, talents. But let me show rather than tell you...
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    Osadia, performance artists from Barcelona, Spain
    Osadia, performance artists from Barcelona, Spain
    Alex does Gabrielle's hair
    Alex does Gabrielle's hair
    g6/37/726937/3/80221260.4hdfekKh.jpg Ouch! That hurts!
    Ouch! That hurts!
    g6/37/726937/3/80221262.vTVvmuOC.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80221263.LvndESWK.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80221264.XqUt7TV8.jpg Gabrielle in her glory
    Gabrielle in her glory
    dancing to Samite of Uganda
    dancing to Samite of Uganda
    g6/37/726937/3/80221268.tjFrQAwo.jpg enjoying the music
    enjoying the music
    sculpture by Woodrow Nash
    sculpture by Woodrow Nash
    Sau'rus from the Netherlands take to the streets
    Sau'rus from the Netherlands take to the streets
    another of Osadia's creations
    another of Osadia's creations
    Detroit's Mosaic Singers
    Detroit's Mosaic Singers
    g6/37/726937/3/80476371.Aduh3jc0.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80476374.KbiNvzMh.jpg juried sidewalk chalk art show
    juried sidewalk chalk art show
    Olivia Marvel from South Lake High School recreates a work by Lichtenstein
    Olivia Marvel from South Lake High School recreates a work by Lichtenstein
    Brian Thomas from Harper Woods High School  recreates Jacob Lawrence's Barber Shop
    Brian Thomas from Harper Woods High School recreates Jacob Lawrence's "Barber Shop"
    Courtney Neynaber of Clarkston High School works on a mandala chalk painting
    Courtney Neynaber of Clarkston High School works on a mandala chalk painting
    Alex of Osadia dips into his bag of tricks
    Alex of Osadia dips into his bag of tricks
    Petra of Osadia
    Petra of Osadia
    g6/37/726937/3/80476391.KL0wu1lM.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80476393.U27fa4qD.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80476395.0ktL1C1r.jpg
    watching Osadia
    watching Osadia
    g6/37/726937/3/80476398.JEinelcV.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80476402.oDh1dWyg.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80476406.yAGHQOV9.jpg
    Jerry Burns & his granddaughter Jessica
    Jerry Burns & his granddaughter Jessica
    Sau'rus performs on the streets
    Sau'rus performs on the streets
    the dinosaurs' keeper
    the dinosaurs' keeper
    Guess they're hungry!
    Guess they're hungry!
    g6/37/726937/3/80476429.sJAGOLLJ.jpg keeping them in line
    keeping them in line
    g6/37/726937/3/80476438.hqy25AJA.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80478398.UipzCtqR.jpg
    a keeper's work is never done
    a keeper's work is never done
    Hey, what's that nibbling my hair?
    Hey, what's that nibbling my hair?
    Niells comes out from under
    Niells comes out from under
    g6/37/726937/3/80478411.VZFSFzzU.jpg Osadia's art is everywhere you look
    Osadia's art is everywhere you look
    g6/37/726937/3/80478416.tInIEQVL.jpg It's a dog's life!
    It's a dog's life!
    Emerson Matabele, photographer
    Emerson Matabele, photographer
    Emerson's very popular booth of photographs
    Emerson's very popular booth of photographs
    g6/37/726937/3/80478418.JYdt9MJA.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80478437.BwVJunT4.jpg
    Oh, did you just take my picture?
    Oh, did you just take my picture?
    g6/37/726937/3/80478432.Ha7en2vu.jpg great tattoos!
    great tattoos!
    a leatherworker's booth
    a leatherworker's booth
    g6/37/726937/3/80478435.fHSQkdvl.jpg doggy seat on a mobility scooter
    doggy seat on a mobility scooter
    Samite of Uganda trio
    Samite of Uganda trio
    dancin' to the beat
    dancin' to the beat
    The Ukelele Orchestra from the UK
    The Ukelele Orchestra from the UK
    Amos Lee performs
    Amos Lee performs
    g6/37/726937/3/80478927.K41OsblF.jpg g6/37/726937/3/80478928.klTB3piW.jpg Amos Lee
    Amos Lee
    watching the 7:30 p.m. Osadia show
    watching the 7:30 p.m. Osadia show
    Alex & his art
    Alex & his art
    Choose me! Choose me!
    Choose me! Choose me!
    a good sport
    a good sport
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