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Wim de Groot | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> SCOTLAND tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


In the first week of may we joined a birdwatchers group in the Scottish Highlands.
Mountview Hotel in Nethy Bridge was our accomodation and we made several tours organised by Heatherlea,
a Scottish bird and wildlife company.
The photographs in this album however were mainly made on a few private trips we made early in the
morning and evening without the group.

red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus slavonian grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red-throated diver  roodkeelduiker  Gavia stellata rock ptarmigan (male)  alpensneeuwhoen  Lagopus mutus slavonian (horned) grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus red grouse (female)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus
rock ptarmigan (female)  alpensneeuwhoen  Lagopus mutus slavonian (horned) grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus red grouse (female)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus slavonian grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus dipper  waterspreeuw  Cinclus cinclus northern wheatear  tapuit  Oenanthe oenanthe
slavonian grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus red grouse (female)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (female)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticus rock ptarmigan (male)  alpensneeuwhoen  Lagopus mutus common sandpiper  oeverloper  Actitis hypoleucos slavonian grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus
red grouse (male)  Schots sneeuwhoen  Lagopus scoticu slavonian grebe  kuifduiker  Podiceps auritus