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Wilma Woodchuck | profile | all galleries >> Ireland 2017 >> Dublin GOT Winterfell Tour tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Dublin GOT Winterfell Tour

9-6-17 Dublin Game of Thrones Winterfell journey into the mysterious Tollymore Forest at the foot of the Mourne Mountains, lunch at the Lobster Pot in the port of Strangford where we met the Direwolves, an afternoon trek at Winterfell to visit to Castle Ward Estate and a surreal stop at the ancient Inch Abbey before a scenic drive through Ballynahinch and Dromore on our return to Dublin. Legendary!
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Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
Irish countryside on the drive to Tollymore Forest
This tour we got to wear Winterfell cloaks and staffs
This tour we got to wear Winterfell cloaks and staffs
It's pretty cool to get to wear and carry props that were used in the show!
It's pretty cool to get to wear and carry props that were used in the show!
You really feel like a part of GOT
You really feel like a part of GOT
OK, for a minute!
OK, for a minute!
Bus booty hole of GOT props!!
Bus booty hole of GOT props!!
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