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Wilma Woodchuck | profile | all galleries >> Ireland 2017 >> Day 2 in Dublin tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Day 2 in Dublin

9-1-17 started with a quick walk to Trinity College Dublin to see the Book of Kells then to The National Wax Museum for a bit of fun. A great lunch and historical break at one of the oldest pubs in Dublin, the Long Stone. Then over for a nice tour of Dublin Castle and the Christ Church Cathedral including the awesome crypt. Finally a jaunt down medieval Fishamble street then over to Temple Bar to check out Dublin's night life!
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Trinity College Dublin grand old library- National Library Long Room
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- National Library Long Room
Trinity College Dublin grand old library-  location for illuminated illustrations of the Christian Gospels dating from 800 AD
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- location for illuminated illustrations of the Christian Gospels dating from 800 AD
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Home of the Book of Kells
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Home of the Book of Kells
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- No pictures allowed of the ancient texts
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- No pictures allowed of the ancient texts
 Trinity College Dublin grand old library
Trinity College Dublin grand old library
Trinity College Dublin grand old library
Trinity College Dublin grand old library
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- Brian Boru Harp
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- The Long Room
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- The Long Room
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- The Long Room
Trinity College Dublin grand old library- The Long Room
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
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