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William Rogers | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Our Pets tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Our Pets

hotdog eating hotdog
hotdog eating hotdog
Chewing on my Shoes
Chewing on my Shoes
Mom and Baby
Mom and Baby
Look at me
Look at me
Chewing the chair
Chewing the chair
Basketball Jake
Basketball Jake
Waiting for Postman
Waiting for Postman
 Jake at the Dog Rodeo
Jake at the Dog Rodeo
Opie with toy
Opie with toy
Opie and blue duck
Opie and blue duck
Big Jake
Big Jake
milk bottle
milk bottle
today's paper
today's paper
Opie and orange ball
Opie and orange ball
I Hate Saturdays
I Hate Saturdays
This makes a good pillow
This makes a good pillow
Joe and his puppy Augie
Joe and his puppy Augie
Opie stuffing his mouth with gloves
Opie stuffing his mouth with gloves
Our Robin friends in the backyard
Our Robin friends in the backyard
looking for squirrl 800x600.jpg
looking for squirrl 800x600.jpg
profile of Jake 800x600.jpg
profile of Jake 800x600.jpg
Neighbors Cats on Marti Car
Neighbors Cats on Marti Car