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William Rogers | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> July 2004 tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

July 2004

Marit's Family Pictures during a trip to Houston on the Fourth of July The first night (June 30) we had dinner over at Jimmy and Sarah's house.
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James, Marti, Roy, and Laurie
James, Marti, Roy, and Laurie
Betty and James
Betty and James
Charles and Laurie
Charles and Laurie
Yome and Roy
Yome and Roy
Jimmy and Sarah
Jimmy and Sarah
Michael and Sara
Michael and Sara
PJ and Angie
PJ and Angie
Angie,Marti, Betty ,and Laurie
Angie,Marti, Betty ,and Laurie
Evie and Marti
Evie and Marti
Jacob and Aunt Marti
Jacob and Aunt Marti
Jacob, Evie. and Ethan
Jacob, Evie. and Ethan
James' Family
James' Family
Marti, Betty, and Laurie
Marti, Betty, and Laurie
Roy's Family
Roy's Family
PJ ,Jimmy, Sarah ,Angie, Mark, and Michael
PJ ,Jimmy, Sarah ,Angie, Mark, and Michael
Marti and Yome
Marti and Yome
Marti and Laurie
Marti and Laurie
All of Jame's Family
All of Jame's Family
Marti ,Yome, and Laurie
Marti ,Yome, and Laurie
Beat again by a six year old
Beat again by a six year old
Wine to start the evening off right
Wine to start the evening off right
Marti and Roy
Marti and Roy
Do you want to wash the dishes? No..Do you want to wash the dishes?
Do you want to wash the dishes? No..Do you want to wash the dishes?
Has the party started?
Has the party started?
Roy telling a story
Roy telling a story
Bill and Marti (the one making faces)
Bill and Marti (the one making faces)
PJ ,Michael, and Jimmy
PJ ,Michael, and Jimmy
James and Jacob
James and Jacob
Michael and Sara 2
Michael and Sara 2
Brothers and Sisters
Brothers and Sisters
Betty Fretting
Betty Fretting
Trip to Kemah
Trip to Kemah
Kemah Boardwalk that Afternoon
Kemah Boardwalk that Afternoon
Shrimp Boats entering port
Shrimp Boats entering port
The Beast
The Beast
A Dude from Vernon Domesticated the Beast
A Dude from Vernon Domesticated the Beast
Out to Sea
Out to Sea
On the Beast
On the Beast
James and Bill on the Beast
James and Bill on the Beast
Betty, Marti, and Sharkey
Betty, Marti, and Sharkey
Same Stance ,  Same Smile
Same Stance , Same Smile
Marti, Bill, and Sharkey
Marti, Bill, and Sharkey
Joes Crab Shack
Joes Crab Shack
James, Marti and Man riding a shark
James, Marti and Man riding a shark
Lights at Joes Crab Shop
Lights at Joes Crab Shop
Bill and Marti at Kemahs Ferris Wheel
Bill and Marti at Kemahs Ferris Wheel
Just fell off the turnip truck
Just fell off the turnip truck
Houston Light Rail System
Houston Light Rail System
Riding the Train
Riding the Train
My Favorite Food -- Hot Dogs
My Favorite Food -- Hot Dogs