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Willa Dios | all galleries >> Galleries >> CREATURES OF VARIOUS SPECIES > Three Pack
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09-NOV-2007 Willa Dios

Three Pack

Left to right: Quincy, Roo & Otis.

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Veronica Fresh14-Nov-2007 05:26
Oh Willa, how precious are your dogs. I can see the spark of enthusiasm in Roo's eyes. They look like real good buddies and probably spend a lot of time playing with YOU!

Debbie B.14-Nov-2007 04:43
So cute!
Vincent Belford12-Nov-2007 16:41
Only Roo is interested in the Cam. alas that poor chipmunk !
Sue Roberts10-Nov-2007 13:52
the gang!
Daniel Wickwire10-Nov-2007 13:12
Quincy, Otis and Roo...such a motley crew.... Hey, I couldn't resist. I see loads of fun there!!! Great shot Willa! Dan.