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Willa Dios | all galleries >> Galleries >> ALTERNATE PERSPECTIVES > The Lighting Is Weird In The After Life
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©2006 Willa Dios

The Lighting Is Weird In The After Life

Just another something silly, playing with Tim Burton's "Corpse Bride" doll and a little PS. The backdrop came with the doll, but I added the shadow. Tim Burton is THE man.

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Zeev Parush21-Oct-2007 06:35
Great work!
Guest 24-Aug-2007 16:28
Very nice. In fact I think for the movie they used the 1Ds Mark II for like every frame. very nice.
Linda, netgarden 05-May-2007 04:57
Willa, I agree with Clifton, you have an amazing eye for creativity. This is fabulous, as all your work is. Really enjoying your albums. You motivate.
Guest 18-Apr-2007 15:33
Your use of light is always so incredible! You have such an amazing eye, Willa!
Wendy O29-Nov-2006 00:21
Love this! Nice set up with the lighting.
Guest 03-Aug-2006 18:14
Interesting schot. I like the light and shodow
Daniel Wickwire21-Apr-2006 13:38
Willa, This is incredible, especially that shadow. You have such a unique style! Take care. Dan.
Jal06-Mar-2006 21:20
He is THE man indeed!
Leo Charette05-Mar-2006 13:25
cool shot, Willa