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LEPIDOPTERA - Butterflies & Moths (order): 128 species

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Hesperiidae - Skippers (family of butterflies): 5 species
Hesperiidae - Skippers (family of butterflies): 5 species
Pieridae - Whites (family of butterflies): 7 species
Pieridae - Whites (family of butterflies): 7 species
Nymphalidae (family of butterflies): 9 species
Nymphalidae (family of butterflies): 9 species
Papilionidae (family of butterflies): 2 species
Papilionidae (family of butterflies): 2 species
Lycaenidae (family of butterflies): 13 species
Lycaenidae (family of butterflies): 13 species
Sphingidae - hawkmoths (family of moths): 5 species
Sphingidae - hawkmoths (family of moths): 5 species
Psychidae (Bagworm moths):1 species
Psychidae (Bagworm moths):1 species
Noctuidae (family of moths): 16 species
Noctuidae (family of moths): 16 species
Crambidae (family of moths): 20 species
Crambidae (family of moths): 20 species
Ethmiidae (family): 1 species
Ethmiidae (family): 1 species
Geometridae (family): 11 species
Geometridae (family): 11 species
Scythrididae (family of moths): 4 species
Scythrididae (family of moths): 4 species
Lasiocampidae (family): 1 species
Lasiocampidae (family): 1 species
Brachodidae - Little Bear Moths (family of moths): 1 species
Brachodidae - Little Bear Moths (family of moths): 1 species
Plutellidae (family of moths):1 species
Plutellidae (family of moths):1 species
Tineidae - Fungus Moths (family of moths): 3 species
Tineidae - Fungus Moths (family of moths): 3 species
Pyralidae - Snout Moths (family of moths): 9 species
Pyralidae - Snout Moths (family of moths): 9 species
Gelechidae (family of moths): 1 species
Gelechidae (family of moths): 1 species
Tortricidae (family of moths): 1 species
Tortricidae (family of moths): 1 species
Erebidae (family of moths): 13 species
Erebidae (family of moths): 13 species
Alucitidae (family): 1 species
Alucitidae (family): 1 species
Cosmopterigidae (family): 2 species
Cosmopterigidae (family): 2 species
Nolidae (family):1 species
Nolidae (family):1 species
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