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What's Going On 【更新日志】

To keep track of the update history because frequently I have to add/remove photos in each gallery for various reasons, I am creating this list of updates just to remind myself。

06/11/08: Update History created; Photos for new gallery Miao Tribe uploaded;

06/20/08: Photos for new gallery Bia Sha uploaded. Removed a few photos from gallery Zanzibar and East Africa Wildlife.

06/23/08: Photos for new gallery Dong Tribe uploaded. Still working on a few more from last trip.

06/25/08: New gallery Dongchuan Red Soil done.

06/28/08: New gallery Guang Xi and Lugu Lake uploaded. Updated gallery Yun Nan with 8 new photos from the latest visit and removed 9 photos from previous trips. Now photos from my last trip (April to June of 2008) have all been uploaded (OMFG finally, phew!).

08/19/08: It's been almost two months since I last updated the gallery. Sorry folks. Just added a new gallery Badain Jaran Desert.

08/29/08: I don't think I will update the gallery until, I don't know, probably next January -- after I am done with the current trip. Sitting somewhere doing nothing is still a choice to make -- you are not giving up your options, you've chosen already. Time will fly by no matter what your choice might be. It's all fair and square at the end of the day. So, peace out.

10/31/08: Well, to keep the story short, I just lost my camera bag on a train in India two days ago. My passports, money, 1Ds Mark III camera, 4 Canon L lenses, laptop, and all the stuff in the bag are all gone. Worst of all, all the photos that I took in the past 6 months or so were all on the laptop so they are all gone as well (I had copy on a portable hard drive but it was in the bag too.....) There it went all the time and efforts I put into. Life is great, isn't it? Now I stuck in Delhi dealing with this piece-of-shit government everyday to get all the paperwork so I can get out of here as soon as I can.

"India will rule the world in 50 years!", a tout in Varanasi said to me with all the pride and confidence after showing me the way to the hotel for 10 rupees(about 20 cents USD), while he has never been to any other country in his entire life and doesn't even have a pair of proper shoes. This country is a chaos and totally hopeless. I don't think I will ever step my foot on India again even in my next life.

长话短说, 我29号在印度的火车上丢了摄影包(实际上是被抢, 只是警察不让这么说. 只能说missing(丢了), 不能说stolen(被偷)或rubbed(被抢), 否则就不给开警察报告). 护照,钱,相机,镜头,笔记本等等全丢了. 最糟糕的是最近半年来拍的照片都在笔记本上所以也都丢了(移动硬盘上有备份不过移动硬盘也在包里丢了). 现在德里跑政府各部门补办证件. 可以用两个词来概括印度这个国家: 现状是fucked-up, 未来是hopeless. 我去过的fucked-up的国家有很多,不过如此fucked-up但还洋洋自得自以为是的倒只见过印度.

11/07/08: Updated all the galleries with Chinese translation, since I am still illegally and unintentionally staying in India with nothing better to do.

所有相册都配上了相关的中文. 因为目前还是非法呆在德里, 没有其它事情好做. 今天去内政部在无数个办公室之间兜圈子之后被告知下周二还要再去. 因为他们没有电脑系统, 我的入境资料需要到海关人工去查找. 不急, 我想我还至少可以再活二三十年, 当然, 前提是在印度不碰上爆炸的话.

01/08/09: Well, the clock is ticking no matter what. 08 is behind our back now. Hopefully it's a good one. Anyway, first off, happy new year, folks. Just uploaded a few photos I took with the 5D Mark II here and there in the past weeks.

新年快乐! 上传了一组最近随机拍的照片主要是测试5D Mark II这台机器。

01/21/09: Created an empty gallery to remember something I would die for which, however, has been lost forever。


02/15/09: Whenever I need a place to just get away, I think of Yunnan. Gallery Getaway created.

11/20/09: I almost forgot I need to update my gallery. The photos are taking too much space on my disk and I still haven't put this work on my priority list. I will be working on it.
大半年没更新了。 照片在电脑上堆的跟山一样, 其实都是前半年拍的。 最近几个月我已经很少拿相机了。 今天整理电脑才想起来, 整理了一下越南的照片传上来了。 最近这几天我尽量把东南亚的那些都传上来。

12/27/09: Cambodia uploaded. That's it for the southeastern Asia trip.
看了下前面的日志, 说最近几天居然又是过了一个多月。 今天把柬埔寨的照片传上来了。 东南亚的总共就传这些吧。 其它的实在不想整理了。到年底了, 好赖也可以告诉自己做完了一件事。

03/25/10: 在丽江最近几个月都一直打不开PBase。 我以为被和谐了。 怎么现在在别的地方又能打开, 真奇怪了。

03/06/11: 距离上次更新已经一年了。 没办法。 我现在常住丽江, 而在丽江是打不开这个网站的。 所以我一直没机会上来。 照片在电脑上倒是堆了很多。 但因为上不来, 所以也都没整理。

11/12/11: 居然又一次意外的打开了PBase.....
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