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William Hartshorn | all galleries >> Galleries >> SCENIC WONDERS > Keyhole Arch At Pfeiffer Beach
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Keyhole Arch At Pfeiffer Beach

For a few weeks each year during the Winter Solstice,
the sunset casts an ethereal glow through Keyhole Arch on
Big Sur’s Pfeiffer Beach that is absolutely breathtaking.

This natural phenomenon doesn’t have fixed dates,
but the prime time for the best light is early January,
with good-to-great light occurring from around December 15 until January 20.

The light comes through the Keyhole Arch
perfectly during this time of year due to the angle of the sunset.
As the angle of the sun gradually changes from day to day,
the best days for the “Light Show” are right in the middle of the date range,
as that’s when the sun is directly in the middle of the arch at sunset.

The earlier and later dates in the range will see the weaker quality of light.

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Monique05-Feb-2018 17:03
Wowza!!! You were at the "Right place" at the "Right time"!!! What an Awesome capture with the Sunlit Star shining through the Keyhole Arch!!!
meekam tam05-Feb-2018 10:01
Really breathtaking view! Great shot! V
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