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William Hartshorn | all galleries >> Galleries >> SCENIC WONDERS > Thunderhead @ Sunset
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Thunderhead @ Sunset

Thunderstorm brewing above University of San Diego

"NEVER mistake my Kindness for Weakness...
There may be an awesome display of light and color on the horizon,
but always be aware of the pending Storm within the Cloud"

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Richard Marcus21-Aug-2014 02:13
Stunning image, Will V
anne20-Aug-2014 11:14
wow…fantastic capture……V
Susan 20-Aug-2014 07:51
Great shot, Will! That cloud was amazing as it continually changed its shape and color. And if that wasn't enough, you captured the lightening with it. Outstanding!
Anitta19-Aug-2014 20:24
You rock, William! Fabulous photographic quality! The image presented and captured with a wonderful eye, especially love the dramatic sky. What a treat, what a scene to witness! *V*
Karen Moen19-Aug-2014 17:04
Beautifully captured sky drama! Voted.
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