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Wim Ensie | all galleries >> Galleries >> amelisweerd > vanfleteren swan
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vanfleteren swan

Olympus E-5
0.5s f/4.0 at 11.0mm iso400 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Ton T.28-Sep-2016 15:50
Imponerend beeld waarbij het oog meteen richting het rood gaat V
Helen Betts27-Sep-2016 23:50
I remember a superb painting of a threatened swan in the Rijksmuseum, and so I find your extreme angle quite fitting. Excellent capture, Wim.
Marco Valk26-Sep-2016 18:21
Intriguing image!!
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)24-Sep-2016 18:45
Wow a very nice image.Vote
Marcia Rules24-Sep-2016 16:34
your angle is all the rage here ~ BV
bill friedlander22-Sep-2016 14:41
Terrific dynamic angle and great tones. V
Gilles Navet22-Sep-2016 12:03
Étonnant composition, efficace..
Une atmosphère un peu étrange.
V Gilles
joseantonio22-Sep-2016 11:58
love this spectacular angle.V.
Juliette22-Sep-2016 08:21
heel boeiende compositie V
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