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Wendy O | all galleries >> Galleries >> HDR > Sunroom
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One RAW image edited in Photomatix

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Graeme24-Sep-2012 22:04
Beautiful and inviting room, Wendy.BV
Guest 10-May-2007 16:20
This is probably my dream room in my dream house in a state far from where I live. Wonderful mood and colors. /zarabeth
Barri Olson16-Jul-2006 01:59
This is really neat! The colors are so rich without oversaturation...they maintain a great deal of subtlety and warmth. The window LOOKS like real glass. Wow. Nicely composed to...amazing quality in this.
Yiannis Pavlis06-Jul-2006 12:49
i adore this.
Guest 16-May-2006 16:55
Very pleasant mood and warm tones. Good to work in RAW. I am doing it since almost two years ago.
Guest 12-May-2006 06:42
Lovely, warm capture. Reminds me of my honeymoon at La Paloma, Costa Rica.
