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Luxembourg City

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Rooftop decoration sax BW
Rooftop decoration sax BW
Cathedral with Christmas lights
Cathedral with Christmas lights
Pont Adolphe with underpass for pedestrians and cyclists
Pont Adolphe with underpass for pedestrians and cyclists
Tram going over the Pont Adolphe
Tram going over the Pont Adolphe
The three spires of the Cathedral
The three spires of the Cathedral
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat headquarters
Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat headquarters
Government offices - Place Clairefontaine
Government offices - Place Clairefontaine
Old Town - rue de l'eau
Old Town - rue de l'eau
The Grand-Ducal Palace
The Grand-Ducal Palace
CD and vinyl store
CD and vinyl store
La maison de l'Union Européenne
La maison de l'Union Européenne
Maison Wanderscheid
Maison Wanderscheid
Chemin de la Corniche
Chemin de la Corniche
Montée du Pfaffenthal vers la Ville Haute
Montée du Pfaffenthal vers la Ville Haute
Café Ënnert de Stéiler avec rue Large
Café Ënnert de Stéiler avec rue Large
Jardins et fortifications Vauban
Jardins et fortifications Vauban
Magasin de disques et CDs en face du Palais grand-ducal
Magasin de disques et CDs en face du Palais grand-ducal
Jardin et des fortifications du Comte Siegfried au Bockfiels
Jardin et des fortifications du Comte Siegfried au Bockfiels
Invitation à boire un coup
Invitation à boire un coup
Fer forgé
Fer forgé
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste et son reflet dans l'eau
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste et son reflet dans l'eau
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste et Eglise St Michel
Eglise St Jean-Baptiste et Eglise St Michel
Old and new in Luxembourg-Grund
Old and new in Luxembourg-Grund
Vue sur l'église St Michel
Vue sur l'église St Michel
Chapelle St Quirin
Chapelle St Quirin
Gëlle Fra
Gëlle Fra
Below the Pont Adolphe
Below the Pont Adolphe
Vue panoramique du Marché aux Herbes
Vue panoramique du Marché aux Herbes
Vignes et Eglise St Jean-Baptiste
Vignes et Eglise St Jean-Baptiste
Toiture de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Toiture de la Cathédrale Notre-Dame
Pont sur l'Alzette au Grund
Pont sur l'Alzette au Grund
Pont enjambant l'Alzette
Pont enjambant l'Alzette
Beautiful house front
Beautiful house front
Central station
Central station
New add-on to the station
New add-on to the station
Modern design for the new tram
Modern design for the new tram
Grand Café - Place d'Armes
Grand Café - Place d'Armes
Eglise St Michel with the Hollow Tooth in the foreground
Eglise St Michel with the Hollow Tooth in the foreground
Abbaye Neimünster with église St Jean and the sun reflected in the Alzette river
Abbaye Neimünster with église St Jean and the sun reflected in the Alzette river
Eglise St Michel avec le chemin de la Corniche et les ruines du Château de Siegfried datant du 10e siècle
Eglise St Michel avec le chemin de la Corniche et les ruines du Château de Siegfried datant du 10e siècle
Train passing one of the many viaducts that span the valleys to the east of the city centre
Train passing one of the many viaducts that span the valleys to the east of the city centre
One of the Spanish turrets with the Red Bridge in the background
One of the Spanish turrets with the Red Bridge in the background
Spanish turret with a view to the Ville Haute
Spanish turret with a view to the Ville Haute
The new panoramic lift to Pfaffenthal
The new panoramic lift to Pfaffenthal
Detail of house in Pfaffenthal
Detail of house in Pfaffenthal
Rue Laurent Ménager - one of the narrow streets in Pfaffenthal
Rue Laurent Ménager - one of the narrow streets in Pfaffenthal
St Joseph holding the child
St Joseph holding the child
Ground station of the Pfaffenthal panoramic lift
Ground station of the Pfaffenthal panoramic lift
View from the panoramic lift
View from the panoramic lift
a house in Pfaffenthal built before sophisticated traffic regulation had to be put in place
a house in Pfaffenthal built before sophisticated traffic regulation had to be put in place
Tours Vauban
Tours Vauban
Alzette river in Pfaffenthal looking up towards Eglise St Michel
Alzette river in Pfaffenthal looking up towards Eglise St Michel
Fortifications and a new set of stairs
Fortifications and a new set of stairs
Détail façade tour Vauban Portail des Bons Malades
Détail façade tour Vauban Portail des Bons Malades
De Béinchen - name given to the bridge across the Alzette and the surrounding area
De Béinchen - name given to the bridge across the Alzette and the surrounding area
Eglise St Mathieu with plaque indicating a well
Eglise St Mathieu with plaque indicating a well
Eglise St Michel seen from Pfaffenthal
Eglise St Michel seen from Pfaffenthal
Railway lines passing very close to the fortifications
Railway lines passing very close to the fortifications
Spanish turret and Red Bridge - old and new
Spanish turret and Red Bridge - old and new
The Marché-aux-Poissons sitting above the fortification walls
The Marché-aux-Poissons sitting above the fortification walls
Trams at Kirchberg
Trams at Kirchberg
Funicular linking Pfaffenthal to Kirchberg
Funicular linking Pfaffenthal to Kirchberg
Porte du Grünewald - Porte de la Hiel
Porte du Grünewald - Porte de la Hiel
Eglise St Michel with Marché-aux-Poissons, with Schlassbréck, and the newly restored Hospice Civil in Pfaffenthal
Eglise St Michel with Marché-aux-Poissons, with Schlassbréck, and the newly restored Hospice Civil in Pfaffenthal
Fort Thüngen with Musée d'art moderne with façade by  architect Pei
Fort Thüngen with Musée d'art moderne with façade by architect Pei
Train with the Rham fortifications in the background
Train with the Rham fortifications in the background
Another iconic view
Another iconic view
Mary and child
Mary and child
Mary and child
Mary and child
Home St François
Home St François
St Michael fighting the dragon
St Michael fighting the dragon
High altar Eglise St Michel
High altar Eglise St Michel
Lady Chapel Eglise St Michel
Lady Chapel Eglise St Michel
Organ Eglise St Michel
Organ Eglise St Michel
Mechanism of clock at Eglise St Michel - detail
Mechanism of clock at Eglise St Michel - detail
More fortress walls - from Bockfels to Rham and Grund
More fortress walls - from Bockfels to Rham and Grund
Stierchen bridge with the Alzette river next to Neumünster Abbey
Stierchen bridge with the Alzette river next to Neumünster Abbey
View from the Corniche to Stadgronn - Grund
View from the Corniche to Stadgronn - Grund
Maison de Cassal
Maison de Cassal
Montée du Grund
Montée du Grund
The old Ville Haute to the left - the old Grund area to the right - the modern developments at Kirchberg
The old Ville Haute to the left - the old Grund area to the right - the modern developments at Kirchberg
Eglise St Jean
Eglise St Jean
Stadgronn - Grund
Stadgronn - Grund
Some small allotments along the fortification walls
Some small allotments along the fortification walls
A fluffy sky against the sun
A fluffy sky against the sun
The sun nearly causing the spire of Eglise St Jean to melt
The sun nearly causing the spire of Eglise St Jean to melt
The sun reflected in the Alzette river next to Eglise St Jean
The sun reflected in the Alzette river next to Eglise St Jean
Looking across Stadgronn towards Ville Haute from the Rham fortifications
Looking across Stadgronn towards Ville Haute from the Rham fortifications
The Corniche - Europe's finest balcony
The Corniche - Europe's finest balcony
The three spires of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame with the bell tower of the Eglise de la Trinité
The three spires of the Cathédrale Notre-Dame with the bell tower of the Eglise de la Trinité
Balancing act
Balancing act
Mary and child - rue St Ulric
Mary and child - rue St Ulric
Well-known address for those seeking quality entertainment and folklore
Well-known address for those seeking quality entertainment and folklore
Wrought iron gate - rue du St Esprit
Wrought iron gate - rue du St Esprit
Devotional cross at Neumünster
Devotional cross at Neumünster
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