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David | profile | all galleries >> Surf Photos >> ISF and NSSA tree view | thumbnails | slideshow


The photos in this gallery were taken at ISF (Interscholastic Surfing Federation) Tournaments in and around Oceanside, California.
ISF info can be found here ISF Home Page

If there is a picture of you here, and you would like a 4x6 digital file (200 dpi) for "personal use" send me an email.

If you are interested in a print please send email to
To ensure my spam filter does not block you please put surf or surf photos in the subject line.
You can also purchase prints (up to 8x10) online at our new business site Little Moments in Time
Interscholastic Surfing Federation (ISF) Oceanside Pier 1-23-2005 - 8x12s
:: Interscholastic Surfing Federation (ISF) Oceanside Pier 1-23-2005 - 8x12s ::
NSSA finals
:: NSSA finals ::