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Wim de Koning Gans | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Comic strip murals in Antwerp tree view | thumbnails | slideshow | map

Comic strip murals in Antwerp

Antwerp now has eight comic strip murals (stripmuren). Want to see more? Check out comic strip murals in Brussels and Angoulême.

Route description in Dutch:
Kiekeboe by Merho, Paradijsstraat     2011-07-29_12-14-02_P1040253.jpg
Kiekeboe by Merho, Paradijsstraat 2011-07-29_12-14-02_P1040253.jpg
Jommeke by Jef Nys, Frans Halsplein    2011-07-29_12-17-19_P1040255a.jpg
Jommeke by Jef Nys, Frans Halsplein 2011-07-29_12-17-19_P1040255a.jpg
Cordelia by Ilah, Keizerstraat     2011-07-29_12-28-32_P1040261.jpg
Cordelia by Ilah, Keizerstraat 2011-07-29_12-28-32_P1040261.jpg
Statue of Hendrik Conscience by Jan Bosschaert, Moriaanstraat     2011-07-29_12-40-41_P1040267a.jpg
Statue of Hendrik Conscience by Jan Bosschaert, Moriaanstraat 2011-07-29_12-40-41_P1040267a.jpg
Detail of Statue of Hendrik Conscience by Jan Bosschaert, Moriaanstraat     2011-07-29_12-41-47_P1040270.jpg
Detail of "Statue of Hendrik Conscience by Jan Bosschaert", Moriaanstraat 2011-07-29_12-41-47_P1040270.jpg
Laarmans character from Kaas by Willem Elsschot, artist: Dick Matena, Korte Nieuwstraat      2011-07-29_12-52-00_P1040274.jpg
Laarmans character from Kaas by Willem Elsschot, artist: Dick Matena, Korte Nieuwstraat 2011-07-29_12-52-00_P1040274.jpg
Figures inspired by Jan Van der Veken, Eiermarkt     2011-07-29_12-56-25_P1040280.jpg
Figures inspired by Jan Van der Veken, Eiermarkt 2011-07-29_12-56-25_P1040280.jpg
Suske & Wiske (Bob & Bobette), Korte Ridderstraat     2011-07-29_14-09-21_P1040307.jpg
Suske & Wiske (Bob & Bobette), Korte Ridderstraat 2011-07-29_14-09-21_P1040307.jpg
Jazz wall by Philip Paquet , Leopold De Waelstraat 1     2011-07-29_16-51-21_DSC_4790.jpg
Jazz wall by Philip Paquet , Leopold De Waelstraat 1 2011-07-29_16-51-21_DSC_4790.jpg