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Wah Yan

Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver Annual Ball 2009
:: Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver Annual Ball 2009 ::
Tree Planting 20th Anniversary revisit - WYCAA
:: Tree Planting 20th Anniversary revisit - WYCAA ::
Wah Yan Midsummer Talk by Mr. Chan Koon Chung (陳冠中)
:: Wah Yan Midsummer Talk by Mr. Chan Koon Chung (陳冠中) ::
2011 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM
:: 2011 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM ::
2012 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM
:: 2012 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM ::
2014 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM
:: 2014 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM ::
Wah Yan 45th year class reunion
:: Wah Yan 45th year class reunion ::
High School Reunion
:: High School Reunion ::
2016 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM and Dinner
:: 2016 Wah Yan Alumni Vancouver AGM and Dinner ::