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Shirley Wang | all galleries >> Galleries >> The Best of North Carolina (former PAD) > Grounded
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Got up at 4:30am and got to Chicago at 8 some am, only to find that the flight to Beijing was delayed from 12:00pm to 6:00pm.

Panasonic Lumix DMC-FZ30
1/100s f/5.6 at 19.4mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Guest 03-Jul-2006 06:25
This is excellent! You've really got me here, because I don't know how to look at this. On top, there are some giant people, and below that, the people seem to be of normal size. Top catch.
JSWaters01-Jul-2006 14:14
Wonderful, Shirley. A giant conveyer belt funneling people to their destination while others sit by totally disinterested.
Guest 01-Jul-2006 05:16
Very well seen!
gugu 01-Jul-2006 02:54
I love this picture. I thought it's in the subway at the first glimpse, haha. Great shot. Keep going!
Guest 01-Jul-2006 00:31
great shot
Phil Douglis30-Jun-2006 23:58
Another example of Wangian Surrealism. The scale incongruity is spectacular -- the reflections of the tiny resting people are oblivious to the huge bodies that flow above them, on their way, no doubt to the Bagel and Bakery.
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