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Hai Nan, China

This is an island province in the south of China, to be developed into an international tourist destination. Some of the images were taken where sitting in the car when the driver was always in a hurry, so the clarity is not the best. More are coming.
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Love Affair at the Beach?
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Boao Forum for Asia
Boao Forum for Asia
This side is WanQuan river
This side is WanQuan river
YuDaiTan, dividing river and ocean
YuDaiTan, dividing river and ocean
This side is the ocean
This side is the ocean
Center of QiongHai City
Center of QiongHai City
Ahead of storm
Ahead of storm
Golf balls at LuNeng, Sanya
Golf balls at LuNeng, Sanya
Black goats going home
Black goats going home
Geese in town of BoAo
Geese in town of BoAo
Cattles by the ocean front
Cattles by the ocean front
Cattles on the highway
Cattles on the highway
BoAo Temple
BoAo Temple
Bridge to the Temple
Bridge to the Temple
Golf workers
Golf workers
My favorite tree in BoAo
My favorite tree in BoAo
Pool and ocean
Pool and ocean
Net and child
Net and child