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Shirley Wang | profile | all galleries >> North Carolina >> Stories by a Bridge tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Stories by a Bridge

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Encounter under a bridge
Encounter under a bridge
Biker's route, P1050921res.jpg
Biker's route, P1050921res.jpg
Mom's Easter harvest, P1050866res.jpg
Mom's Easter harvest, P1050866res.jpg
Bridge under construction
Bridge under construction
Cowboy under a bridge
Cowboy under a bridge
Under the bridges, HPIM3543.jpg
Under the bridges, HPIM3543.jpg
No train three-way traffic, HPIM3533.jpg
No train three-way traffic, HPIM3533.jpg
Wrong side, HPIM3233bw.JPG
Wrong side, HPIM3233bw.JPG
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