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Paul Waldron | profile | all galleries >> Galleries >> Latest Photo's tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Latest Photo's

Photo's I've taken recently - there's no subject or geographic ordering here, just recent shots that I like.
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Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral
Canterbury Cathedral Windows
Canterbury Cathedral Windows
Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters
Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters
Old flags
Old flags
Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters
Canterbury Cathedral Cloisters
Canterbury Cathedral Stained Glass
Canterbury Cathedral Stained Glass
Canterbury Cathedral Stained Glass
Canterbury Cathedral Stained Glass
Light and shadow
Light and shadow
At full tilt
At full tilt
Horse and Jockey
Horse and Jockey
Heading down to the start
Heading down to the start
The charge to the line
The charge to the line
Out of the saddle
Out of the saddle
A close race
A close race
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