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Scandinavian Winner 2009

Östkatten is the arranger for SWS 2009
and have arranged a very good show in Nyköping
in Rosvalla Hall, there was 824 cats who have apply for the show

There was 15 Ocicat who have apply for the show and it was good to see
two new Ocicat on the show, 13 Ocicat come to the show, 11 Ocicat from Sweden
and 2 Ocicat from Finland. It was very fun to meet Maija Markelin,
Cattery of FIN*Topspot

The sad thing is that there was only 13 ocicat who represent our breed
if you see who many Bengals (47),CRX (51) and BRI (39)was represented on the show

Judge for Tawnyspotted and Cinnamonspotted was ; Marie Westerlund
Judge for Chocolatespotted and Chocolatesilverspotted was ; Mira Fonsén

OCI n24
class 5 . IC S*Vargagården's Daisy Duke ; EX 2 . Owner - Fam.Lehto
class 5 . IC S*Wagga Wagga's Princess Aura ; CAGCIB . Owner - Fam.Falk
class 7 . CH S*Skillingens Dumle ; CACIB, NOM . Owner - Lena Nilsson
class 9 . DK*Sea Coon's Wendy ; CAC, BIV, NOM . Owner - Maija Markelin
class 10 . EC S*Lis-Katt JW ; PREMIER . Owner - Helene Lis Glader

OCI b24
class 3 . GIC S*Wagga Wagga's Flash Gordon ; CACS . Owner - Fam.Falk
class 5 . IC IDP*Tinnetösens Mystique ; CAGCIB . Owner - Fam.Tinnert
class 6 . IP FIN*Topspot Bombalurina ; CAGPIB . Owner - Maija Markelin
class 7 . CH S*Vargagården's Kitty ; CACIB, BIV . Owner - Fam.Lehto
class 11 . S*Tonga-Toy's Lambada ; EX 1 . Owner - Fam.Falk
class 12 . S*Junglespots Play & Win ; EX 1, NOM . Owner - Sabina Engler

OCI o24
class 3 . GIC (N)Oliveroci's Bang-A-Boomerang ; SUPREME CHAMPION .
Owner - Ann-Christine Pettersson

OCI bs24
class 5 . IC S*Wagga Wagga's Northstar ; CAGCIB . Owner - Fam.Tinnert
Day 1 2009-09-19
Day 1 2009-09-19
Day 2  2009-09-20
Day 2 2009-09-20