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2010-07-31 and 2010-08-01 RHK

We drove to Varberg early in the morning. This was the last time to show at RHKs show
in the end of this year the club is no more.
It's sad because it have been very plesant to show at RHKs show !
This year OCIS have a breeder corner with a table showing the
breed OCICAT for the show people and public who visit the show.

We showFlash, T.N.T and Princess and also in class ; Breeder, Breeding Queen and Litter

Flash - saturday : CACS / sunday : CACS
T.N.T - saturday : EX 1 / sunday : EX 1
Princess - saturday : CAGCIB / sunday : CAGCIB
both days : 2nd Best Breeding Queen

Lilly - saturday : CAGCIB / sunday : CAGCIB
Owner : Åsa Nilsson

Nosse - saturday : CAGCIB / sunday : CAGCIB & NOM
Owner : Fam. Tinnert / S*Tinnetassens

Dockan - saturday : Ex 1 / sunday : EX 1
Owner : Fam. Tinnert / S'Tinnetassens

Otto - saturday : EX 1 & NOM / sunday : EX 1, BIV & NOM
Owner : Rebecca Wallin

Breeder - saturday : 2nd Best breeder / sunday : 2nd best breeder
Litter - saturday : 3rd best Litter / sunday : 2nd Best Litter
Saturday morning, Anneli, Dockand and Jonatan
Saturday morning, Anneli, Dockand and Jonatan
S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta Rosie / Owner : Fam. Tinnert
S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta Rosie / Owner : Fam. Tinnert
Ann, Anneli and Dockan
Ann, Anneli and Dockan
Anneli and Dockan
Anneli and Dockan
Dockan get a new pillow
Dockan get a new pillow
Nosse on the Judge table
Nosse on the Judge table
and he's calm as useally, take the CACS
and he's calm as useally, take the CACS
class 18 : Litter
class 18 : Litter
All kitten on the judge table
All kitten on the judge table
and they are doing fine, 3rd place
and they are doing fine, 3rd place
" Dockan "
GIC S*Wagga Wagga's Northstar and Anneli / he take the CACS
GIC S*Wagga Wagga's Northstar and Anneli / he take the CACS
Flash on the Judge table
Flash on the Judge table
Handsome and good looking with a wild look
Handsome and good looking with a wild look
show him self as his father on the table
show him self as his father on the table
The judge look at him closer
The judge look at him closer
g1/38/203938/3/130265736.TUbAo3Kk.jpg Flash get his CACS
Flash get his CACS
g1/38/203938/3/130265811.3Tedyh4d.jpg Princess on the judge table
Princess on the judge table
and he take a close look at her
and he take a close look at her
the judge and his judge pupil talk and look at Princess
the judge and his judge pupil talk and look at Princess
The judge pupil take a look at T.N.T
The judge pupil take a look at T.N.T
and his doing fine on his first show ! Ex 1
and his doing fine on his first show ! Ex 1
and also Otto doing fine on his first show / Owner : Rebecca Wallin
and also Otto doing fine on his first show / Owner : Rebecca Wallin
The judge look at his body and tail
The judge look at his body and tail
the judge pupil look at him too
the judge pupil look at him too
Anneli and Dockan
Anneli and Dockan
Otto in the BIV competion
Otto in the BIV competion
hanging good in my hands
hanging good in my hands
g1/38/203938/3/130266439.glSA1Tcr.jpg Dockan and Otto
Dockan and Otto
and thier older sister Lilly with Åsa
and thier older sister Lilly with Åsa
Here are the three lavender spotted kids who is the first ones to be in a BIV competion in Sweden
Here are the three lavender spotted kids who is the first ones to be in a BIV competion in Sweden
Lilly with Åsa, Otto with camilla and Dockan with Anneli
Lilly with Åsa, Otto with camilla and Dockan with Anneli
IC S*Wagga Wagga's Deep Purple, S*Wagga Wagga's Thunderstruck & S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta rosie
IC S*Wagga Wagga's Deep Purple, S*Wagga Wagga's Thunderstruck & S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta rosie
Showcage with the Rosettes
Showcage with the Rosettes
Otto get the BIV
Otto get the BIV
g1/38/203938/3/130266512.GiVkCTGy.jpg S*Wagga Wagga's Thunderstruck / Owner : Rebecca Wallin
S*Wagga Wagga's Thunderstruck / Owner : Rebecca Wallin
S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta Rosie / Owner : Fam. Tinnert
S*Wagga Wagga's Whole Lotta Rosie / Owner : Fam. Tinnert
Sunday Morning and Linda come to the show
Sunday Morning and Linda come to the show
taking care of Flash and he like it alot !
taking care of Flash and he like it alot !
Looking good together
Looking good together
and he hanging good in her arms !
and he hanging good in her arms !
Princess is up on the judge table
Princess is up on the judge table
g1/38/203938/3/130266539.zTtWAaaA.jpg g1/38/203938/3/130266540.4IxpvDu9.jpg and she's looking good as useally
and she's looking good as useally
g1/38/203938/3/130266543.x4E0O7DE.jpg Åsa and Lilly
Åsa and Lilly
CAGCIB for Lilly
CAGCIB for Lilly
T.N.T on the judge table
T.N.T on the judge table
and he's doing fine on it
and he's doing fine on it
EX 1
EX 1
Dockan in the hand of the judge
Dockan in the hand of the judge
she's so very very sweet
she's so very very sweet
In the BIV competion
In the BIV competion
g1/38/203938/3/130266573.mr7sTrvP.jpg Otto BIV & NOM
Otto BIV & NOM
Linda and Flash doing fine at the judge table
Linda and Flash doing fine at the judge table
g1/38/203938/3/130266617.aOD9qv3A.jpg g1/38/203938/3/130266619.ZHe8vQVP.jpg Camilla and Princess in the BIV competion
Camilla and Princess in the BIV competion
and therefore Anneli holding T.N.T
and therefore Anneli holding T.N.T
doing fine
doing fine
Nosse and the judge
Nosse and the judge
like eatch other
like eatch other
the judge pupil take a look too
the judge pupil take a look too
Our show cages
Our show cages
Anneli and Nosse is waiting and Camilla is standing beside
Anneli and Nosse is waiting and Camilla is standing beside
hug and kiss for good luck
hug and kiss for good luck
more kisses
more kisses
Flash in the NOM ring
Flash in the NOM ring
not this time
not this time
Nosse NOM
Nosse NOM
Nosse in the panel
Nosse in the panel
Nosse hanging good in the assistant arms
Nosse hanging good in the assistant arms