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William Barletta | all galleries >> New England >> The Ocean State > Downtown providence
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28-Mar-2011 AAW.A.BARLETTAa

Downtown providence


Nikon D700
1/250s f/8.0 at 32.0mm iso200 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
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Dan Greenberg23-Apr-2020 19:02
This is incredibly beautiful, especially the cool tone colors and light. Very nicely composed as well. ~BV~
Julie Oldfield11-Apr-2020 16:10
Beautiful soft light. Nicely composed. V
janescottcumming11-Apr-2020 12:51
I like the light and the colors here.
danad11-Apr-2020 07:24
A superb work ! V.
Charlene Ambrose11-Apr-2020 06:32
Beautiful array of hues in your well composed image. V
Helen Betts11-Apr-2020 05:19
Beautiful color and light in this great capture. It looks like a nice downtown. V.
joseantonio11-Apr-2020 04:19
beautiful architecture captured in this beautiful day.V
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