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William Barletta | all galleries >> New England >> The Ocean State > Nuns at Watch Hill
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Nuns at Watch Hill

Pentax Spotmatic,Kodak Tri-X 400

other sizes: small medium large original auto
PauloCGama15-Mar-2024 01:56
Agree with Dan. Excellent shot.
Dan Greenberg23-Apr-2020 19:03
Very cool! They are a small part of the picture, yet my eye goes right to them. ~BV~
Yvonne18-Nov-2019 10:23
A beautifully composed image very suited to mono. v
Helen Betts18-Nov-2019 05:25
Well composed capture, and perfect timing to get the nuns in view, too. V.
joseantonio18-Nov-2019 05:21
nice composition with the top of the wall in the foreground.V.
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