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William Barletta | all galleries >> Americana >> Tennessee > A Tennessee cabin - Townsend TN
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A Tennessee cabin - Townsend TN


Nikon D70
1/8s f/3.5 at 18.0mm iso800 full exif

other sizes: small medium large original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)26-Sep-2019 19:21
Clear interior image,well done.BV
Karen Stuebing22-Sep-2019 17:36
Beautiful light and tones in this rustic room. Love the chandelier and eclectic furnishings. V.
Marcia Colelli22-Sep-2019 12:25
Very nice capture of this beautiful cozy place to relax. V
joseantonio22-Sep-2019 04:28
looks like a nice place to relax after exploring the area.V
Charlene Ambrose22-Sep-2019 03:44
Nice image of what looks like quite a nice and comfy cabin. V
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