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William Barletta | all galleries >> Floral Colors >> Floral Fantasies > Ultra violet
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08-Aug-2015 W.A.Barletta

Ultra violet


Nikon D810
1/100s f/5.6 at 70.0mm iso64 full exif

other sizes: small medium original auto
Paolo Peggi (aka Bracciodiferro)06-Jul-2016 06:28
Fantastico! Voto
Nina Ludwig27-Mar-2016 22:06
Marisa Livet01-Mar-2016 17:57
I love the softness, the silky look...and the title of course
Ton T.27-Nov-2015 20:57
Fascinating!! V+
Sarah Rehfeldt28-Oct-2015 00:32
This is a beautiful shade of violet!
MarcViskens19-Oct-2015 07:55
excellent William
love it
Yvonne10-Oct-2015 09:57
Lovely! v
Helen Betts09-Oct-2015 18:26
Wow, that is gorgeous! I like the luminous color, and the composition is superb. V.
John Hamers09-Oct-2015 17:44
Beautiful vibrant colors and wonderful light !V
joseantonio09-Oct-2015 16:28
Amazing colors.V.
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