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William Barletta | profile | all galleries >> New England >> The Ocean State >> Providence's Federal Hill tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Providence's Federal Hill

   The Federal Hill neighborhood in central Providence
   is best known for its Italian American community and
   its abundance of Italian restaurants.
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Outdoor wall fountain - Costantino's
Outdoor wall fountain - Costantino's
Stained glass window - Holy Ghost Church
Stained glass window - Holy Ghost Church
An innocent afternoon coffee or a sit-down?
An innocent afternoon coffee or a "sit-down"?
A French patisserie in the heart of little Italy
A French patisserie in the heart of little Italy
A new kid on the block.
A new "kid" on the block.
The Hill used to be an Italian neighborhood; now it is mixed Italian and Hispanic.
The Hill used to be an Italian neighborhood; now it is mixed Italian and Hispanic.
Possible photo for a short story Conspiracy
Possible photo for a short story "Conspiracy"
I made him an offer that he couldn't refuse
"I made him an offer that he couldn't refuse"
Roma - Italian deli
Roma - Italian deli
Geppetto's Pizzeria
Geppetto's Pizzeria
A busy evening at Venda Bar
A busy evening at Venda Bar
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