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Allen Haring, 1938-2023

Allen Haring died on July 22. 
My father planted canna lily bulbs for the first time this spring. He worried the bulbs might be too deep, or that he didn't water them enough, and once they came up, he told me of their progress. Now the lilies are blooming gloriously, some as tall as he was, and attracting hummingbirds.
Allen created and saw so much beauty in the world. Thank you for sharing photos with him, geeking out about lenses, and building friendships across the miles.
His obituary is at:
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 19. For details, email me:
canna lilies

Allen Haring died on July 22.
My father planted canna lily bulbs for the first time this spring. He worried the bulbs might be too deep, or that he didn't water them enough, and once they came up, he told me of their progress. Now the lilies are blooming gloriously, some as tall as he was, and attracting hummingbirds.
Allen created and saw so much beauty in the world. Thank you for sharing photos with him, geeking out about lenses, and building friendships across the miles.
His obituary is at:
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, August 19. For details, email me: