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Victor Vaughan | profile | all galleries >> Franklin Tennessee >> Around Franklin and Leiper's Fork tree view | thumbnails | slideshow

Around Franklin and Leiper's Fork

First picture shoot of Franklin on Aug 15, 2004. This was my first attempt at doing this sort of thing.
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Horse Farm just north of Franklin
Horse Farm just north of Franklin
Horse Farm II
Horse Farm II
The Square in Franklin
The "Square" in Franklin
On the square
On the square
Confederate soldier memorial
Confederate soldier memorial
Confererate soldier memorial II
Confererate soldier memorial II
Williamson Country Courthouse
Williamson Country Courthouse
Actual cannons from the Battle of Franklin
Actual cannons from the Battle of Franklin
Confererate soldier memorial III
Confererate soldier memorial III
South Main from the square
South Main from the square
South Main from the square
South Main from the square
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